talent. Consider also that their physical presence at meetings is a valuable thing, whether they are able to give money or not."


Hal Call, editor of the Mattachine Review and co-partner in Pan-Graphic Press,explained the relationship of the Press to the Mattachine Society. The printing firm was started as a means of printing the Review but is in no way connected with the Society. It is an independent firm and no funds from the Society (other than those paid for printing the Review) have been used by the


-Sten Russell

Copies of the various issues mentioned in the foregoing article may be obtained from the DOB, 693 Mission St., Room 308. All are 50 cents a copy.



"My daughter subscribes to your magazine, THE LADDER, and I would also like a subscription. Would you please start the subscription with a copy or two of the back numbers?"

D.G., Kansas City, Kan.

"Thank you for sending the complimentary copy of THE LADDER in response to my recent letter of inquiry.

"I couldn't agree more wholeheartedly with the aims and purposes of your organization, as expressed inside the front cover. (Though I see room for discussion about how some of them would best be carried out, of course.) For